


"NO WAY!!!"

Unf****** believable!!! How old am I??? Damn, I'm 50? I believe I will never admit about my age from now on. 50 years old?! ふざけんな!「お臍で茶がわかせてしまうぜ。」まだまだ、くたばるには早いぜ。と、意気込んではいるが、結構あちこちでガ…


何だか、がたがたして、しかもドタバタして、人生がどうしようもなく落ち着きが無い!生まれつきなのか、脳出血発症後なのか、いまいちわからない。 What I need to do right now is to call myself down and simply, relax (which is almost impossible). I…


今日は(珍しく)連続で体験レッスンが入ってきた。前回は姉弟の2人であったが、今回は地元の中学1年生の女性のプライベートレッスン。初めにお母様と電話での話し合いが、有意義に過ごせた為、女の子も想像通りの素直で良い子あった。 とにかく、今日はものす…


Due to my physical ability (in other words, suffering from cerebral hemorrhage), there are so many things which I am incapable of. To mention the least, is "MY RIGHT ARM." 私は右利きで生まれたが、脳出血によって右半身不随になってしまった。…


For some reason, all I did was simply sleep, sleep, and sleep. I guess I was just too worn out and on top of that, the heat killed me today. Luckily, I have no prior arrangements tomorrow. Thus, I will sleep, sleep, and sleep again. MK 23:…




最近、調子がいまいち芳しくない!何故だ?!梅雨明けはしたらしいが、全く僕の身体には未だに良い影響が無い… One of my doctors told me, "What I need is to take a good rest, and this is the foremost best medicine what you can acquire!" と、言う…


今日は頭も身体も全部動かね〜!!ここまで、ダルいのは結構久しぶりかも知れない。子供達とそのお母様達に申し訳無い… I should have asked Yudai for a pinch hitter... What was I thinking!!! Damn me!!! 必ず次回はそうしよう!!!ヤバい、また寝れそうな…


今日は本当に何もしなかった。と、言うよりは、何も出来なかったと言う方が正しいぐらい、一日中家(布団)の中で寝ていた。 I'm going to crawl back to my comfortable bed. MK 00:48 2021/07/19


Perhaps the rainy season is over, but the the dullness and the weakness is still somewhere around me. I had no guts even to go downstairs and then get cleaned up. 今日が土曜日でよかった。なんだかまだ湿気なのか、このだるさが身体から抜けてく…


This mussy damp season might be the end of "RAINY SEASON." According to the weather forecast, the rainy season is practically over. It's one heck of a news, I say! However, as the dampness was starting to loosen up, the strong tropical hum…


"WHY DO WE HAVE TO STUDY?" Well, for one, if you're in Japan and raised, COMPULSORY EDUCATION is a requirement from the age of six to 15. 「ライフ中卒」には、「総務省統計局によると、最終学歴が中卒の割合は、平成22年で男女合わせて18.8%。」…


It seems that today is another cloudy (or I should simply say "SHITTY") day, and makes me crawl right back to my comfy bed. Probably, it's been like this for the past three to four days. I must start preparing for tomorrow's new students b…


久しぶりにまた体験レッスンの方がきてくれた!結論から話すと、今週の木曜日から姉弟で通う事になり、私は凄く嬉しい気持ちでいっぱいだ。 以前、脳科学の先生が私に教えてくれたのは、「言語、それが英語であろうが、日本語であろうが、なんにせよ早ければ…


Even though, I feel absolutely fine, there's somewhere inside where I perceived exactly the opposite. This is where I get frustrated, because it's very difficult to express one's (or my) awareness. 一体何なんだろう?!この病気「脳出血」と…


本当に嫌な天気だ。空はドス暗く、当然湿気、そして湿気。この湿気はやっぱりツラく、ダルい。 私は当然脳の痙攣を止める為、はじめはいろいろと薬を試したもんだ。効きすぎて、身体が屍のようになったこともある。しかし、今飲んでいる薬はもうかれこれ10年…

"Maybe Too Early For Me"

For some reason, I've been up since 3:00 in the morning. I'm in need to acquire a decent and normal working our job: Just like a typical Japanese Businessmen. なんだか最近生徒がどんどん減ってきている!当然「ヤバい」と、感じてはいるが若干こ…

"DO YOU...?"

Do you ever get the feeling that you're totally in the dark, and that there's nowhere else to go but... DOWN? I have never had that feeling before my injury. I can say without any hesitation that I've had a decent life: Having a lovely fam…


Last night, I went out with my wife for a dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant. We had a great time. しかし、今日はそのせいでブログに時間を費やすことが出来なかった。まだ、眠い💤のでおやすみなさい。 MK 07:56 2021/07/06


Our washing machine has just now collapsed!!! According to the repairwomem (who happens to be my wife and my baby girl), the main washing machine board is damaged and that, there is no way an amateur can fix it. Well, thanks to the technic…


この身体障害者の身体にも当然"GRAVITY"又は「重力」がかかっている。特にこの「梅雨」の時期は我々にはその"GRAVITY"または"G"が重くのしかかっている。そのせいで、6月から7月は本当に何も身体と脳がリンクせず、言うことを聞いてくれない!EXTREMELY FRUS…


Today was horrible, the rain, humidity, and most of all, the number of Coronavirus was still rising. Can't you, "THE GOVERNMENT," simply get us the shots? 今日はとにかく身体も頭も何も動かなかった。ずっと何もせず寝るだけが精一杯だった。まだ…




"Stomach Ache." This is one term which I had never dealt with in my entire life. Perhaps, I may be exaggerating but simply said, I just don't know what "IT" meant. As I'm getting older day by day, my body acquires rather unusual "PAIN." It…


"DETERMINATION" and "PATIENCE" are the most important factors in learning and teaching English (to my knowledge). Especially, when the students happened to be very, very, and very small. For example, I had a class with three students with …


なんだかな~!毎日がつまらんな〜!やっぱり理由は; ①: 脳出血(15年) ②: コロナウィルス①の対処法は? ➊1にリハビリ、2にもリハビリ、そして3から死ぬまで永遠にリハビリ。 ➋しかし、考えるとゾッとする人生だ。 ➌何か他に出来ないのか?障害者にはまとも…




I happen to have absolutely no recollection of "6/25" blog. Also, there is no memory of what was done yesterday. All I know was that I had a day off with my wife and by baby, too.Well, since it's Saturday, I should go out or perhaps take a…


一応私個人のルールだったのですが…なんでもいいから毎日、日本語だろうが、英語だろうが「ブログ: 書く」事を大前提だったのが、昨日は書けなかった。と言うより、いつのまにか寝ていた。もう本当に梅雨は勘弁してくれ!未だに若干やはり身体はしんどいよ…I…


「ここはどこ?私はだれ?」まさしく今の私の状態。昨日もおかしかった。もう、寝る(If I can sleep...)。 MK 01:54 2021/06/23