


"APRIL 28TH, 2022"

Dear Amy, Today, it's been 7th month since your R. I. P. anniversary. I wouldn't call it 'ANNIVERSARY' as we miss you so dearly much. 毎日がこうやって過ぎ去っていく…あなたは目の前にはいないけど、目を閉じるといつもあなたの笑顔があるから、僕…


Dear Amy❤️, Guess what Amy, do you remember our friend, Ana? She's in Japan and we went out for a Korean Barbecue yesterday. We had a blast!!! Talked about (of course) you, and other stuff which anything that would came out of our mouth (b…


Dear Amy, Guess what Amy, I got a call from the potential student that he's not feeling well today. Thus, he would like to reschedule from today to this coming Friday. I've got no problem but I'm just concerned about his health. I remember…


Dear Amy❤️, 今日は本当に久しぶりの体験レッスン。大人の男性で、本来は、今年年内いっぱいはレッスンを受けるつもりでは無かった。まぁ、ある意味, "A sort of like "mourning," のような感じかな… It's been a long time so I'm kind of nervous at the m…


Dear Amy, I try to be calm especially, after you're gone. It has been OK considering the fact that you're not around with us anymore. My point today is this: IS THERE ANY NORMAL NURSES AROUND US??? Well, simply put, there ain't no normal n…


Dear Amy, Weird day and also, weird atmosphere, too. It's a kind of gloomy period of the day and I personally, don't feel like it. Most of all, it's another Monday I hate it!!! とにかく、外は暗い。私が醸し出している雰囲気も暗い。そして、又…


Dear Amy, やっべぇ〜!!!一週間経ってしまった。ごめん何だか、身体が物凄くだるくてさ…「力」とか"POWER"が全く入らん!!南の方角に台風が近づいてるみたいだし、本当に良い事が全く感じられないよ。 How's it going over there, or, wherever you are, I …


Dear Amy, Before I was terminated by this horrible disease called 'CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE,' we (meaning three of us), or as a family, tend to got out. In other words, there was just enough for all of us to enjoy our lives together. Moreover, …