


Meaning of Life (Japanese Version 3, 2020/2/12)

新しく移った会社と以前いた会社との違いが何点かある; ①責任感の重さ ②少数精鋭のため、業務の幅が多方面になった ③以前の出張は海外がメインだったが、今回は海外と国内も毎月のように出歩くようになった当然それに見合う給料はもらっていたが、ストレスの…

Meaning of Life (English Version 2, 2020/02/11)

"Needed a Change"I had a chance to work at a Japanese company by the name of U. J. from 1996 until 2003. Not relatively a big company but for me to start it was a fairly moderate size. I hardly remember why I settled there. However, I just…

Meaning of Life (Japanese Version 2)

20xx, J. U. と言う貿易部がある日本の企業にお世話になることになった。大会社でもなく、小さな会社でもなく、いわゆる中小企業。なぜここに落ち着いたかどうかはまったくもって覚えていない。ただものすごく居心地が良かったのを覚えている。私は本当にお…

Meaning of Life (English Version 1)

Until 20 few years ago, I was able to work in Tokyo. I had no reason for me to work in "Edo (the former capital of Tokyo)." After all, if one has to travel all the way from Katase-Enoshima Station to Yoyogi-Hachiman Station (at that time, …

Meaning of Life



Do we all have to acquire EIKEN, TOEFL, TOEIC, and many other certifications in Japan?I do agree that they look good on one's resume, but they prove nothing. In reality, can they actually communicate with one another.I would say, "Wake up …

My mistake from the old times!!

「英語」または「英会話」になると何故か大多数の日本人は萎縮してしまうとような気がしてしまいます。私は3年間海外(とは言えない様な小さな島: The Island of Guam)に父の仕事の関係上、引っ越しました。3年間ほどですが現地校に通い、中学1年生の9月から…

What is a typical Japanese?

Today happens to be my father's birthday. We live just close by. However, I haven't seen him or communicated with him for at least few months.I have a great respect for him but it's just that I can't actually communicate with them unless I…


It's not easy to teach young children. On the same token, it's rather easier to teach them because one can simply read what it said on the textbook. I teach English to kids😁 from the age of 6 to 12. My mentor once told me, "「英語だけを教え…


先日どこかのテレビ(またはCM?)で拝見したのですが、ToyotaのCEO豊田章男氏はしっかりとかつ、「英語」で喋っていました!全員がそうなるべきとは思わないですが、"Public Figure"であるならば、少なくとも英語は喋ってもらいたいものです。せめて努力は… Th…


We, my wife and my only beautiful daughter, are going out for Chinese restaurant for lunch. My mouth watering. I can't wait!!私の妻と娘は、今日の昼食を中華レストランで食べに出かけます。久しぶりなので、嬉しいです!!