もうこの身体になって早15年(I don't even want to count)。しかし、一向に慣れない、そして動きづらい、挙句の果てには、その都度つまずかないためにいつも周りを注意しなくてはいけない! Due to "Coronavirus," we're forced to stay inside as much as p…
Sincerely, I wanted to do nothing today. However, I pretty much covered what I was planning to do yesterday. I hate what I do right now. In other words, all I want to do is to simply doze off. At this moment, I don't even want to watch TV …
For some reason, I was able to take a long and relaxing nap today. Even though, the weather was unfortunately not in my favor, I was able to survive. As the night getting deeper and the rain getting stronger, my mind is getting wickedly an…
Not really a relaxing day today. It wasn't a usual Saturday because I had two makeup lessons from the other day. Since this is a very small private English class with only one teacher (myself), it's very rewarding but I guess I'm not that …
今日からプロ野球公式戦が開幕した。しかも巨人戦は1万人の入場予定。プロ野球ファンとしては良い日だ。 私は巨人ファン(個人的には原監督と吉村コーチですが)、試合はこのまま進んでいってほしい。 I have to concentrate and get back on the ball game. M…
今日ももう疲れた。最近何だかおかしい!コロナウィルスのせいか? In any rate, my mind is out of control tonight. Thus, good night everyone and sleep tight. MK 21:48 2021/03/25
Once in a while, for some reason, I become such an indolent person. There might be 3 reasons; 1: The chance that I might be born this way. In other words, genetically speaking, I can't do anything about it! 2: Cerebral Hemorrhage. Again, b…
今日も嫌な頭痛がして、レッスンはできなかった…もう既に春なのか?それともまたあの嫌な寒い日は来るのか?私の身体は未だに反応ができていない! I'm almost 50 and came to crossroad in my life. I would prefer to live my life peacefully. Thus, here…
When it comes to using my time efficiently, I thought I was pretty good at it. Unfortunately, I was horrible!!! It's 21:30 and I haven't had the time to have supper yet. I have got to straighten my life better. ですので今日はもう失礼します…
「英語」かりに①と「英会話」かりに②はいったい同じ次元で討論すべき問題なのか?我々日本人は①と②、どちらに重点を置くべきか? TOEFLやTOEICや英検等の英語に関する判断基準は多数あるが、これらをそうしても「いったい流暢に会話ができるのか」と言う疑問…
昨日は何も書かずに寝てしまった。どんな商売でも相手を選ぶのは難しいのか… I had one of my worst living ever days yesterday. Can they just pay 3,000 f****** yen? If they complain again (not to mention that this is their second time), I'll dum…
I've been so weary this couple of days. On top of that, I get this monthly headache. とにかく今は一番時期が悪い。季節の変わり目のせいだとは思うが、本当に嫌な頭痛がする。 I've got two classes tomorrow and hopefully, nothing physically unple…
Why do we need four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. In general, Spring is considered from March, April, and May. Another season comes from June, July, and August. One of the best season (at least for me) is the September, Octobe…
今日はちょっと調子も良くなく、嫌な頭痛もあるので、レッスンとこのブログ(日記/journal)もパスさせてください。 皆様も十分に気をつけてください。 MK 23:02 2021/03/18
What the heck am I supposed to be doing? I couldn't sleep (again) and I certainly cannot miss those classes I have today. 全然眠くならない。やっぱり運動(俺の場合は散歩かルームランナー)して、体力つかわんと! 頑張ろうと言う言葉はあまり好きで…
This is exactly how I feel right now: LETHARGIC. According to Cambridge Dictionary, it means to "have little energy; feeling unwilling and unable to do anything." I do admit that I am a lazy bum but the circumstance might be different than…
I've never intentionally skipped our lesson (maybe for the past 10 years). I was deadly asleep, when I heard someone banging the door from downstairs. At the same time, my only daughter alerting me and said, "I think the kids are asking to…
Is there a purpose in one's life? I've attended a Christian college in States. The majority of the students were Christian and their color of the skin was white. "Is religion an important factor in one's life?" I grew up in a typical Japan…
"What was that noise? Thunder?" Well, the rain was horrible today. Thus, I couldn't do anything but asked my wife to give a call to one of my students to cancel the lesson. Took a sleeping pill because I did not want to face the reality: …
ようやく私が何とか復活し、「さあ、これからだ」と、思ったら今度は生徒達が体調を崩してしまったようだ There are certain things in one's life which cannot be controlled: DISEASES. However, what we can do is to wash our hands (whenever possible…
Fifth day in a row, I didn't have the courage and also, the energy to do what I'm supposed to be doing! Apparently, what I have accomplished was to simply lie down on a couch (or futon), meaning "nada." 明日からまたレッスンを復活したいと考…
Today is supposed to be warm just like spring. However, for me, I feel nothing. According to the thermometer, it is functioning properly. So the thing is, "Where do I get this dullness feeling?" Two days in a row, I had cancel the lesson. …
今日は珍しく食欲もなく、具合が悪いので、レッスンは急遽キャンセルにして貰った。すみません。 血圧もおそらく高いと思うので、余計に薬をのんで寝る事にします。 Did I do anything wrong? Perhaps, someone from my relatives did horrible stuff and I'…
Which do you prefer, a sunshine or a rainy day? For me, I would definitely go with clear blue sunshine (but not too bright). As I'm looking through the window, all I see are tons of raindrops and such a humidity. It surely is good for my t…
この48時間で私は何かしたのか?何か社会に貢献出来たのか?疑問だよ! By the way, I had few slices of pizza for dinner tonight. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining to the pizza company but again, I had a heartburn!!! WHY??? もう、マジで気…
どうしたら、「やる気」、「目標」、「目的」、要するに意識を起こさせるのか?賢い子は1を伝えると10で返って来る。ごくまれにそういった生徒はいる(いた)。 Currently, a majority of the students are pretty much little kids to grade schools. The kid…
Is it my brain or simply lack of my knowledge? These days, I just don't have the guts for the balls to do anything. In fact, I've got no determination. Now, this might be a problem. If this is just a phase, it'll go away sooner or later. H…
"Make up your mind, please! Is it going to be chilly or warm today?" Due to my health condition, I have a hard time adjusting to this kind of weather. おそらくこの天候のせいで、昨日はあまりよく寝れなかった。年齢のせいもあるのだろうが、しか…
何だか忙しいが、実入りがないに等しい。慈善事業かと思う時もしばしば。まぁ、私の場合生かされたらしいので、あまり多くは望まない方がいいのかもしれない。 しかし、何故こんなに忙しい?What the heck!! Forget about it! I'm just going to stop thinki…
I was just going to take a nap but ended up sleeping for quite some time. As I watched the clock in my room, I was stunned. 「やっべぇ〜!寝ないといけん。」Therefore, I'm paying a visit to my good old friend called, "Pillow." MK 02:11 2021…