For three days in a row, I couldn't do s***. I heard that it's not going to be easy after my injection, but I never thought it would be this painful, both physically and mentally. 特に痛みと言うよりは、痛みからくるタルさかも知れない。たま…
まだまだ、ダルいが昨日のような嫌悪感はない。しかし、今日はレッスンを休んでしまったテスト期間中なのに、全くだらしがない!!やるべき事はたんまりあるのに。くっそー!自分に腹が立つ。 Oh well, forget about yesterday. Let's try to focus on tomor…
やはり、今朝は痛みと共に目覚めた。しかし、本当に若干の痛みだけだ。ただ、ずっとダルく嫌な嫌悪感は残っている。プラス、寝ているだけで、後はトイレに起き、また寝ては数時間後、トイレだけのために起きる、と言うその繰り返しだ。 It's almost 10:00 in…
Am I nervous today? "Heck yeah!" Whenever I turn the TV on, all I hear is both sides: the positive and the negative of SIDE EFFECTS from the injection. Well, I guess I'll find out in the evening after my injection... 今注射から帰宅し、マッ…
気づいたらもう50。その内、16年間はもう治らない病気: 脳出血(戦いようがないので安静にしてるしかないが…)と、共に生きて行くしかね〜と、宣告を受けたわけではないが、ある程度この歳になると判断はできる。 Let me do my math (again). Just to be sure;…
バタバタしすぎてて、どこから何を手をつけていいのかわからないので、今日は一番先にブログを片付けます。 とは言え、もう眠い😪 MK 22:54 2021/08/20
一体あの「カラッとした」夏はいつ訪れるのだろうか?それとも、ずっと毎日が雨でたまに晴れ間が覗けるのか? I may be pessimistic but I certainly don't like "bad weather." Who prefers thunder, rain, typhoon, and so forth??? しかし、良くはなって…
"Is English a popular subject among the Japanese Junior High School students?" I would never know because I never pay attention at all. This was when I just returned from Guam and attended the school in Japan.. I hate to say this but the t…
Today was supposedly my day off. Guess my life ain't that easy! I had to attend my very important doctor's appointment tonight: For CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE (this appointment is held every 3 month). Furthermore, next week (finally), I've secure…
クソっ!俺は仕事が遅すぎる。もう朝の4時だ。細かくやりすぎるのかもしれないが、それはもしかしたら几帳面なところが悪影響を及ぼしているのかもしれない。 I've got shitload of stuff to do this week and plus, my usual check-up (doctor's appointmen…
Why, why, and why? There are so many flood everywhere in the country, especially the southern part. I feel horrible for those people who can't do anything to prevent this type of flood. It's after 03:00 and still, it's pouring rain outside…
生まれつきながらの「身体障害者」と、病気や事故等によって「身体障害者」になってしまった人達とのボーダーライン(線引)は一体今存在しているのだろうか?! 私は幼少時に2人だけだが、今で言う身体障害者の友達(知り合い?)がいたのを覚えている。1人は目…
For Non-English speaking individual, perhaps "PRONUNCIATION" might be extremely difficult. Moreover, the meaning "to speak" fluently like the locals is unreasonable (this is just my opinion). ただ、面白いのは我々日本人にとって、この外来語…
時折来やがるあの大嫌いな頭痛がやはり、忘れた頃に来た。もう、あまり邪魔をしないで欲しい。 40 years ago, I have no choice but to stay in an island called "GUAM." Besides the language barrier, it certainly was paradise. On the weekends, major…
"What is a homework?" According to Cambridge Dictionary, it's "studying that students do at home to prepare for school." I believe it's pretty much self-explanatory. Everyone knows what homework is! Personally, I hated it. I mean, who like…
Precisely, when will the virus be gone? I mean, totally vanished from the Earth? Is that a possibility? I myself have a disease (CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE) and thus no need to wait in line for injection. However, as of today, I haven't had the i…
The past couple of days, I find myself so exhausted and felt fatigue. It was impossible for me to find the reason because I always get this weird tiredsome feeling. そして、急にある事実に気づいてしまった(良かったのだが…)。そう、「台風」の…
全ての部屋にエアコンをガンガンに付けていても、日本の家屋は必ずどこか隙間がある。手抜き工事め!!ふざけるな!!とにかく、暑い!! 暑いとなぜか眠くなる。それはもしかしたら暑さだけではなく、台風が近づいているから、なのかもしれない… 今日はこれ…
Obviously, I must be out of my mind because at this time of the day I should be in bed. However, I'm struggling with my beast, also known as computers. 今この現代、パソコンや携帯電話無しでは、生きていけないのではないかとは思うが、私個人的…
Thank you to the people who I know. I really don't want to get into detail, but my life is pretty much over. My body has been paralyzed on right side for God knows how long by now... Due to this disease, I had to procure whole bunch of con…
今日はもう本当に疲れたので、これから飯を食ってすぐに寝ます。「飯を食わない方がいい」って! I can't sleep without an empty stomach. No wonder why I get fat every single day. MK 23:58 2021/08/02
バタバタしてしまい、もうすでにこんな時間だ!!明日は(実際はもう今日)、一昨日前の振替日。姉弟で来てくれてるのだが、明日からはバラバラにレッスンを受ける事にした。 The weird thing was that they had practically no so-called 'ENGLISH LESSON' pr…