My Dear Beloved Amy, Guess what mann, I certainly hate to admit that this year will be the last year without you. Whenever I enter my own door, knowing that you are always there for me. 今は一体何なんだよ!!どこに行ってしまったんだよ!!…
My Dear Amy, How is the world up there? Are they treating you nicely? If I have the power and the knowledge, I will gladly be a help to save you!!! All I can do, is to pray that you are been well taken care by HIM. 最近は、あまりレッスンに…
Dear My Beloved Amy, I've decided to (or at least tried to) write✍️ a simple note or a letter to you. Nothing fancy, just like a notation or a love message. I will never, never, and never forget about you and moreover, I'm definitely in lo…
To be extremely frank, practically, I lost everything: materialistically and spiritually. In other words, my life was all of a sudden, vanished (just like the wind). My dearest Amy is no longer around me! 毎秒、毎分、毎日、毎晩、俺はどのよ…
My mind (also known as brain but it's a piece of s***) ain't working at all. According to the doctor, who specializes in diabetic, this is a very normal procedure as currently, normal and healthy nutrients aren't functioning properly. I'm …
まだ、娘の49日が過ぎても、未だに悔しさや儚さで身体が押しつぶされそうだ。何をしていても、Amyがフッと現れてくれないかと、いつも自分のまわりを見てしまい、「あぁ~~、いないんだ…」と、愕然としている毎日を過ごしている。 "Amy, what am I supposed…
最近全然このブログを書いていない。書く意欲も全くない。更に、書く理由が見当たらない。娘は神に殺され、私は脳出血と新たな病気(糖尿病)に現在犯されている。 もう、ここまで来たら、なんでもいいわ!!どうでもいい。とにかく、神は正確が嫌らしい。俺の…
この2ヶ月、全てにおいて「マイナス思考」だった自分がいるのは、当然自覚していた。『娘の急死、』僅か21歳…俯瞰的に物事を捉えようとしても、訳が分からなくなる。 On top of this negative incident, like I mentioned earlier, I was diagnosed as a dia…
Everything negative is happening to me!!!! Why? First and foremost, my baby passed away two months ago. And now, I just returned from a clinic telling me that I have "DIABETES." I hardly don't take snacks (only occasionally), I hardly drin…
未だに何もやる気が出ない。まるで「生きる屍」状態だ。英会話のレッスンはかろうじて存続出来ている。これは、やはり名前のおかげだろう:Amy英会話、娘の名前だ!!! 四十九日も過ぎてしまった…俺には何も無い…本当に『むごいよ…』 MK 03:45 2021/12/3