My Dear Beloved Amy,
Guess what mann, I certainly hate to admit that this year will be the last year without you. Whenever I enter my own door, knowing that you are always there for me.
Whenever I see people walking down the street (as if there's nothing to worry about), I don't get angry but I feel weird because what did I do to deserve this punishment (by God or Satan).
Can't run, swim, drink (alcohol), smoke (used to smoke at least three packs a day), and mainly, I can't work as I used to do. Moreover, I had to quit my previous job due to this horrible sickness called cerebral hemorrhage.
『Amy, そっちの暮らしはどう?友達は出来た?月命日にはあなたのお友達を呼んで、楽しくしていますから安心してね。そして、たまには顔を出してね。』
Sincerely yours,
15:33 (03)
P. S.