もう、1ヶ月が過ぎた。早いのか、遅いのか、わからん。「どうでもいい」と、思う反面、娘は上(HOPEFULLY, IN HEAVEN)から出来れば、幸福を見出してくれれば良いのだが… Why did she have to die? It wasn't like committing a suicide or jumping into a fre…
50年間生きてきて、私は何かに『すがる』といった経験はおそらく無いと思う。自分で言うのもおかしいが、ごく一般的な家庭に育ち、普通に結婚も出来、その数年後1人娘のAMYが誕生してくれた では何故今日のトピックが『すがる』なのだろう…これはあくまでも…
この世に『神』はもう存在しないのか?!俺は何も出来ない!!何を信じれば良いのか… "FAITH." This is a big term. Obviously, I'm beginning to lose it because of my condition... I wish I can just take everything back of all the sin I have caused…
I thought my life was terminated after I've noticed something was wrong with my body during a shower. I felt nothing and numb, especially, the right side of the body. At that time, I couldn't remember the term, "CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE." Just …
Finally, I was able to get rid of my huge "BOIL!!!" It still hurts but at least, 2/3 should be gone. This time, it was extremely painful and hopefully, it'll be the last one... In any rate, time flies rather too quickly. I never realized t…