この身体障害者の身体にも当然"GRAVITY"又は「重力」がかかっている。特にこの「梅雨」の時期は我々にはその"GRAVITY"または"G"が重くのしかかっている。そのせいで、6月から7月は本当に何も身体と脳がリンクせず、言うことを聞いてくれない!EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED THIS COUPLE OF MONTHS!!!
On top of the usual Japanese "RAINY SEASON," I have come to realize the fact that I have to face the "ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE," also known as, 「気圧。」
What I truly hate is that I cannot prepare nor anticipate for this worst season. I've been doing nothing for the past 15 to 16 years, letting the season go by. I absolutely cannot stand that!
In this such a technolized world, there's nothing that we can't do??? HOW COME?
P. S.