This mussy damp season might be the end of "RAINY SEASON." According to the weather forecast, the rainy season is practically over. It's one heck of a news, I say! However, as the dampness was starting to loosen up, the strong tropical humidity is rising up.
There's only one way for me to avoid the strong heat is to "WORKOUT." I look at my family and nobody using air conditioning as much as I do. My room is basically 100% air conditioning free (in a simplistic way to put it, the air conditioning is always on).
Then the question is, do I ever workout? Obviously, the answer is, "NO." I have been instructed by the doctors that I must lose weight. I've got all the equipments and machines inside my house. The only thing which I lack is the "WILL" to lose some weight.
"THE BLIND SIDE" (2009) Sandra Bullock
女性A: Hey, does Michael get the family discount at Taco Bell? Because if he does, Sean's gonna lose a few stores.
Sandra Bullock (LEIGH ANNE): He's a good kid.
女性B: Well, I say you make it official and just adopt him.
[WOMEN LAUGHING, 女性達は笑っている]
Sandra Bullock (LEIGH ANNE): He's gonna be 18 in a few months. Doesn't really make much sense to legally adopt.
女性C: Leigh Anne. Is this some sort of white-guilt thing?
女性A: What will your daddy say?
Sandra Bullock (LEIGH ANNE): Um... Before or after he turns over in his grave? Daddy's been gone five years, Elaine. Make matters worse, you were at the funeral. Remember? You wore Chanel and that awful black hat. Look, here's the deal. I don't need y'all to approve my choices, all right? But I do ask that you respect them. You have no idea what this boy's being through. And if this is gonna become some running diatribe, I can find an overpriced salad a lot closer to home.
女性A: Leigh Anne, I'm sorry. We didn't intend to----
女性C: No, we didn't, really.
女性B: I think what you're doing is so great.
To open up your home to him? Honey, you're changing that boy's life.
女性C: And that's awesome for you, but what about Collins (長女)?
Sandra Bullock (LEIGH ANNE): What about Collins?
女性C: Aren't you worried? I mean, even just a little? He's a boy, a large, black boy, sleeping under the same roof.
Sandra Bullock (LEIGH ANNE): SHAME ON YOU. I've got this (チェックのこと).