Dear My Beloved Amy💝,
とにかく、今日は暑すぎる。自分がオーバーウェイトなのは重々承知してはいるが、それでも今日は本当に暑い!トイレにも行きたくなく、最低限の数歩で家の中で過ごしている。だらけた生活なのは分かってはいるが、『Amy, 今日は許してくれ🙏』
Therefore, I have absolutely no motivation to do anything today. It seems that my calendar has an opening day which is today: Thursday. Luckily, I'm absolutely not doing anything.
"Don't worry, Amy! It ain't your fault at all. 100%, it's on me!!! Simply, I think I just don't have the guts to do anything."
Someone said in the past, "Time heals." Well, for me, no way, man.
Sincerely yours,
Mitsu Kataoka
16:58 (52)
Sunshine ☀️